The Event System

What is this Event System

The Event System is a framework in the engine for performing asynchronous, lazy evaluation of function calls. The way this system works is through a combination of messages (or Events) and listeners (or handlers). The exact method by which it works was inspired by the Forge Modding API, which takes advantage of Java’s Annotation and reflection system. Since neither exist in C++ at this time, I ended up needing to take advantage of various esoteric tricks of the C++ language to create an API that roughly mimics Forge’s event system, while still keeping it relatively to use and maintain.

How is the Event System Used?

The EventSystem is fairly simple to use and relies solely on understanding three main parts: the EventBus class, the Event class, and the various types of Event Handlers. Do note that all C++ types, with the exception of C++ macros, described in this document as part of the Event System API are under the EventSystem3 namespace. For simplicity, I will be omitting the namespace qualifier in all descriptions, but not from code samples. Do keep this in mind while reading.

The EventBus class

The EventBus class, found in the <EventBus.hpp> header, is the main driver of the EventSystem and is required for the basic usages of the system. In this section, I will only be going over the inital usage of this class. There is other functionality that is important to know about it, however I will be bringing it up only when relevant. For now, what is important to understand is that the EventBus is a singleton class, and cannot be inherited from. This means that it is very simple to get started with using it, as it can simply be treated as a normal global variable with no special initializations required. To obtain the EventBus, you simply need to either invoke the static EventBus::getInstance() method or to refer to the global EVENT_BUS macro, which is the recommended manner of usage.

Once you have the EventBus instance, now we want to make it able to actually process events. Doing this is fairly simple, and involves calling the EventBus::update(float dt) method on that instance like so:

void gameLoop(float dt) {
    while(true) {
        // ...


There are two important things to note about this method. The first is the parameter, which is a delta-time value similar to what is used in graphics applications. Its purpose is for delayed events (a feature that will be explained later), however, this parameter may be set to 0 if you do not plan on using delayed events. The second thing to note is that this method should be called exactly once for every tick/loop of your program. Invoking it will process all events that are waiting in its internal queue, so it is recommended to only ever call it once at the end of your program loop. Not doing so could cause events to be handled in strange orders or for delayed events to be handled earlier than expected.

The EventBase class

So, we now have the Event System set up to process events, however we don’t currently have any events for it to process. While the Event System does not actually come built-in wirth any events, defining your own custom event types is very easy. To do so, we simply have to define a class or struct which inherits from the EventBase class, found in the <EventBase.hpp> header, like so:

struct MyEvent: public EventSystem3::EventBase {

Since this event is just an ordinary struct, we can name it whatever we want to and may place any relevant data fields or member functions inside. As an example, see this implementation of a WindowEvent wrapping around the SDL_WindowEvent type:

class WindowEvent : public EventSystem3::EventBase {
        WindowEvent(Uint8 event, int x, int y);

        //type of window event recieved
        //list of window events at
        Uint8 M_event;
        //x coordinate for certain window events
        int M_x;
        //y coordinate for certain window events
        int M_y;

Now, one last thing to note about defining events before we move on. The Event System also supports polymorphic event types, however this feature requires explicitly specifying in the public section of your event definition the parent event type with the PARENT(TYPE) macro. This macro is optional, but without it your event will only be handled by handlers that explicitly ask for your event, and those that attempt to handle a more generic event type will not be notified of your event.

Now that we have a custom event, we want to be able to fire it. To do so is fairly simple, and requires calling the EventBus::fire() method, defined as:

template<typename T>
EventBus::fire(T* event, EventHandler* destination = nullptr,
               bool immediately = false, Priority priority = Priority::NORMAL,
               float time = 0.0f, const std::string& func = "",
               unsigned long line = 0)

While this method may look scary with all of its many parameters, only the first is actually required. With that in mind, let us pretend for a moment that the rest don’t exist, and that the method instead simply looks like EventBus::fire(T* event). This first parameter is, as the name might imply, simply a dynamically allocated pointer to the event you wish to fire. This parameter must be allocated with the new operator. For example, using the event MyEvent that we defined earlier, we can fire that event with the following code: MyEvent());

Note that I don’t do anything with the pointer anymore once I have fired the event. The reason for this is that because the exact moment when an event is to no longer be needed cannot be determined, the EventBus will take ownership and responsibility for all events fired with it, and will automatically delete the event for you once it is no longer needed. Essentially, once you have given your event pointer to the EventBus, you are free to simply forget about it, as the EventBus will free the memory up once the memory is no longer needed.

Now that we have gone over the basic usage of that method, let us now go over what the rest of those parameters mean:

  • destination – This parameter allows specifying an EventHandler object, a concept which will be explained in the next section, that this event should be “fired at”, ensuring that the event will only be handled by that specific object.

  • immediately – This parameter specifies that this event should be handled immediately at the fire-site, rather than being placed into a waiting queue to be processed later on the next call to EventBus::update().

  • priority – This parameter specifies the priority of this event. Higher priority events will be handled before lower priority events. See the Priority enumeration for a full list of all priority levels.

  • time – The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before allowing this event to be handled. Requires that the EventBus::update() method be passed a dt value that is greater than 0.

  • func – The name of the function which is firing this event. Used mainly for debugging purposes.

  • line – The line number this event was fired from. Used mainly for debugging purposes.

Event Handling

Okay, so we now have the Event System up and running to process events, and we now have events that can be processed by it. The only thing left now is to write some code which can receive and handle these new events.

The first thing to note is that there are two different types of event handlers: function handlers and method handlers. These two types of event handlers are very similar in how they work, with the main difference being how they get subscribed to their events.

All event handlers, be they functions or methods, will take the following form:

void myEventHandler(MyEvent& event) {
    // Do something with the event now

Basically, each event handler may be named whatever you want, and the only restrictions are that it must return void and must take a non-const reference to the event type you wish to handle. That is all that is required of an event handler, and other than that handlers work basically like normal functions/methods, and can do anything else they wish internally.

However, just having this definition is not enough to have an event handler. We must also tell the Event System that we want to be subscribed to the event. To do this, we must use the SUBSCRIBE(EVENT, FUNC, OBJ, PRIORITY) macro, like so:

void myEventHandler(MyEvent& event) {
    // Do something with the event now
SUBSCRIBE(MyEvent, myEventHandler,,);

There are a few things to note about this macro. The first is that the final two parameters to it are optional and can be left blank. Those who are familiar with the limitations of the C preprocessor will be able to point out that function-like preprocessor macros do not actually support optional or defaulted parameters. This is why the trailing commas in the argument list are still necessary: The arguments are still being given, but are left blank, which the macro is designed to interpret as the lack of an argument and use a default argument instead. In summation, if you do not need to pass anything to these parameters, you must still “specify” them, but may leave the argument itself blank.

Another thing to note about this macro is that it must be able to see the declaration of the event handler, however the location of the expansion in relation to the handler is not particularly important beyond that.

Lastly, it is recommended to expand this SUBSCRIBE macro in a context where it will only get expanded once, such as in a source file rather than a header. The reason for this is due to a consequence of how SUBSCRIBE works internally. When you use this macro, SUBSCRIBE will generate a static object of a complex templated type whose only job is to take in your parameters and figure out how your handler is supposed to be subscribed. This is what allows the macro to be expanded in the global scope as well as within function calls. However, if it gets expanded multiple times, then your event handler will get subscribed to the event multiple times as well, which could cause weird effects.

Now that all of that has been mentioned, lets go over each of the parameters for the SUBSCRIBE macro to give a clear idea of what they are and what they mean:

  • EVENT – This is the event type that is being subscribed to. It must be the plain, unqualified class or struct type which inherits from the EventBase class at some point in its inheritance hierarchy. Additionally, by “unqualified” I am referring to the fact that the type given to EVENT must not be const, constexpr, may not be a pointer, reference, or r-value reference, or any other form of additional qualifiers that may be generally added to types.

  • FUNC – This is a pointer to a function or method that is able to handle the event type given to EVENT, which must be of the form mentioned earlier at the top of this section. This value may not be an anonymous/lambda function.

  • OBJ – This is the object which FUNC is a method of. This generally should only be set when FUNC is a method pointer of some description. The type of arguments that can be given here will be described after this list.

  • PRIORITY – This is the priority of this event handler, which specifies the priority of this event handler. Higher priority event handlers will be called sooner than lower priority event handlers. This takes the same Priority enumeration as the EventBus::fire() method.

Finally, we can now take a look at how event handler methods work. Methods are a bit weird in terms of how they are implemented, so while they do use the same interface and have the same form as function handlers, there are some key differences in how they are subscribed that need addressing.

First, the type that method event handlers are a member of must inherit from the EventHandler class, which can be found in the <EventHandler.hpp> header. This is because EventHandler defines some important methods internally that are used by the rest of the Event System for managing these objects. Secondly, SUBSCRIBE for event handlers may be expanded inside the class body, but it must be qualified with the INCLASS macro like this:

struct MyEventHandler: public EventSystem3::EventHandler {

    void myEventHandler(MyEvent&);
    INCLASS SUBSCRIBE(MyEvent, &MyEventHandler::myEventHandler, EHCLASS(MyEventHandler),);

INCLASS expands to the inline keyword and makes use of C++17’s inline variables feature, however be careful as some compilers may not support this feature. Additionally, take note of how we have given the result of some other macro to the OBJ parameter. This macro expands to a special templated helper class that tells the Event System to perform a sort of “lazy” subscription, placing your subscription into a list of subscription calls that need to be made when your Event Handler object gets constructed. However, this initialization needs to be invoked manually from your object’s constructor. You may do this by either calling the EventHandler::init() method, or by using the EH_INITIALIZE() macro, which expands to the same thing, but is slightly more explicit as to what is happening. Finally, also note that method event handlers have a lifetime tied to the lifetime of the object they are members of. When your event handler object’s destructor gets called, so does the destructor of EventHandler, which will auto-unsubscribe the instances of your methods bound to that object.

If you do not wish to deal with any of this lazy subscription, initialization, or with the INCLASS macro, you may instead simply expand the SUBSCRIBE macro like normal in either your class’s constructor, or just after the object has been constructed, passing a pointer to your object as the third parameter for SUBSCRIBE instead of the EHCLASS macro. As an example, see:

MyEventHandler::MyEventHandler(): EventSystem3::EventHandler(this) {
    SUBSCRIBE(MyEvent, &MyEventHandler::myEventHandler, this,);

Possible Improvements

Of course, this system is not without problems. Some of these problems are fundamental to how it works internally, while others can be improved with some work and effort. One of these is the first parameter to SUBSCRIBE. The type of event which handlers are expected to be subscribed to can (and probably should) be pulled out of the given handler’s type. Since that Event type must be given as the handler’s one and only parameter, it should be fairly easy to extract the event type from there. The only reason for the parameter is mainly historical, as the typename used to be used in a token-pasting operation to create the variable name for the static subscriber object generated by the SUBSCRIBER macro.

Another issue with the Event System in its current state is one of efficiency. Many locations in the event system use std::vector for storing lists of data types, where things like std::set or similar such structures would be better to use to prevent duplicate entries from being created where they shouldn’t be. Additionally, all events currently must be dynamically allocated on the heap with the new operator. While this works in many cases, a better solution would be to have internally a configurable allocator which is used instead of the default one.

Finally, the Event System could stand from being more thread safe. While I have taken measures to make it thread safe, there are still issues with what is done so far, and I am not 100% certain that it will not have problems when interacting with threaded code.


Hopefully this gives a comprehensive overview of how the Event System works from a usage level, and demonstrates both advantages to, and potential draw-backs of using the Event System. Note that I did not go over every possible feature in the Event System, as some of them are very niche in terms of use-cases, such as unsubscribing handlers, manual handler subscription, cancelling events, etc… For documentation on how to use these, please look in the Doxygen docs for information on them.